Sorry I havent posted my rehearsal log entries for this past week but my internet at home crashed and today we got it fixed so here it is. :)
Monday: Jess was back today and our schedule said that it was jess' turn to direct her scene. She is doing the 2 suicide scenes (one at the beginning, the other at the end) and we were all looking forward to what she had produced. She told us when we all arrived that she had been planning what she wanted to do the whole time she had been away. I think that this clearly shows that jess really does want to get a good grade and tries really hard to help the group and to make our work professional and effective, even f she does sometimes get distracted, she always makes up for it and i hope people can see that. So jess showed us some sources that she had found including some poems that were about suicide and she thought they would work well in the first suicide scene with beth saying them. We went through these poems with her and adapted them so they would fit with our piece. She then walked us through how she wanted the scene to play out (we had a bit of trouble regarding using chairs on the staircase but that will be dealt with) and we tried the scene (without the talking because we had only got the lines today) with beth and george and it worked very well and is effective, dramatic and interesting. Jessy did a really good job directing everyone and she obviously worked very hard while she was off.
Tuesday: We went over my canteen scene because we had everyone there. Those who missed the first rehearsal of it (meg, jess and becca) really liked it and had lots of creative ideas i can work with and include. Having a full cast made me realize that the scene needs padding out. Therefore i shall write a script for the next rehearsal with more dialogue. I would like to give the maid some dialogue with bernadette and beatrice because i think it would be interesting to see more of their characters and how they interact.
After this (because that only took like 30 mins), we had another go at one of nicoles transitions. We showed it to Jonathan and he liked it but re-shaped it because he reminded us that there are going to be about 30 audience members and they would not be able to see the scene how we were playing it. after we heard his advice and worked with him for a while we came up with a really creative and imaginative idea that we all really liked and nicole can now work from that for the other transitions and also to develop that one more.
Wednesday: Today we worked in pod 2 (with a spongy bed :) ) for beths angry bedroom scene (bedroom scene #2). We recapped what we did last time (we were missing becca because she was having her tonsils out and she wont be back til monday) so we left a gap for becca. This was the first time jess had seen this scene so we choreographed a short dance for her. She didnt want to make it too difficult so we based it as more of a contact piece and based it lying on the bed with george. we also padded out megans bit because we realised how short it was. We also did the whole thing to the music and even managed to finish it. (it still needs work but we have the skeleton, we mainly just need to work on how the dynamics of it are going to work like our entrances from under the bed etc.) I think beth is a very good director because she was VERY well prepared. She had found a suitable sonnet and had the idea that george could say it before the dance starts. She also instructed us clearly and effectively and took criticism and ideas well too and always tried to incorporate any ideas people had, even if they didnt work. Beth just needs to learn to be tougher and not be afraid to tell someone to get their arse in gear or ask them to shut up, she is too nice for her own good sometimes and she is good enough and clever and creative enough to lead us all, she just needs more confidence in herself.
Thursday: Last week, George and I collaborated to write a monologue for claudio to say in the first bedroom scene. It is to be said to hero and we wanted it to convey how incredibly changeable claudio is and how fickle he is deep down. This scene is also the first time the audience really sees hero. We showed it to the rest of the grouo and they really liked it. However, because we had run it in the space we are defo going to use, we realised that it wasnt very visually interesting and so we experimented with using the weird swively devide doors in pod 1 and 1b. We decided that the scene should take place in 1 a and between the doors and the audience would be sat in 1b looking in as if through a mirror or a window. This just gives the scene a whole new dynamic and it suddenly became so interesting. We also swapped me for beth because it makes way more sense using her because she is the main hero and the audience will understand easier if it was her.
Friday: Today we taught jess the bingo scene because she hadnt done it yet. We talked her through it in detail and instructed her on what she was going to do in the scene. We looked up some bingo terms on the internet fir her to randomly blurt out during the scene to make it more surreal and interesting. Luckily we all remembered the dance moves and the harmonies because the other group was watching but i thought it actually went really well. Then we were so confident that we even tried the scene with the little intro and outro at the start and end of the scene, these were almost completely improvised and the went so well, this is pleasing because we have never been very good at improvisation and it just goes to show that when we are in the right frame of mind we can come up with something really creative and funny.
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