Monday, 7 April 2014

A little experiment - WEBSITE 2

The 2nd one i had a go at was on a much more professional site. It was a multiple choice test, the choices went as follows : Not at all, only slightly, partly, quite a lot, a lot and to a great extent. Im not going to lie, i answered only slightly to most of the questions, mostly because they were way more professional than the previous site and i needed to answer honestly for the test to be accurate and fair. Some of the questions included: I find it hard to make decisions (to which i answered a lot, those who really know me will understand), I often feel confined or imprisoned (not at all), I either sleep too much or too little (only slightly) and then, out of nowhere comes "i often wonder HOW i would commit suicide" (with that exact font growth) ....that escalated quickly...and dont worry, i answered not at all.  
Here are my results: 

Goldberg's depression test

You have reached level 13 on the Goldberg scale. 
0 - 9Depression unlikely21 - 35Minor to moderate depression
10 - 17Possibly minor depression36 - 53Moderate to severe depression
18 - 21On the verge of depression54+Severe depression

You have some symptoms of depression.
 Some of these symptoms normally occur in many people. It is difficult to say whether you will need treatment or not, but it is worth speaking to your doctor about how you feel.

Depression is a disease like any other disease, and it can be treated very effectively. Recognising that you are suffering from depression is the first positive step. If you are depressed, you should arrange to see your doctor to talk about the illness right away. You may also want to raise the issue with your friends and family. You should look for support from these people you until you get well. Anyone can suffer from depression, and the symptoms can vary from person to person. Treatments, including medication and psychotherapy, have a very high success rate.

Although this test felt way more reliable than the last, I still felt that it was still a bit fixed. Mostly because almost everyone who takes the test is bound to answer negatively for at least one question for one reason or another whether its to do with sleep or food or whether you are just having an off day. all im saying is basically everyone has down feelings, that doesnt make you a depressive person. next time i think i will try a psychiatric test rather than a depression one, just to see how different they are.  

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